Thursday, May 27, 2010

Imediate Help For Your Acid Reflux,

 For some people it is chronic. For others Acid Reflux is only an occasional problem. It matters little which is your situation. When it hits you want imediate help for your Acid Reflux.

Prevention, of course is the smart course. And that is possible. Actually, a cure is what you really want. But, for right now, while your throat is burning, you have the burps, and you know you won't sleep tonight, the following tips will help you get some immediate relief.

1. Try chewing some sugar-free gum. It will cause your glands to produce more saliva, which, as it runs down your throat, will help rinse that acid back into the stomach where it belongs.

2. Hard candies are a good thing to suck on. They cause you to create saliva the same as chewing gum. Saliva has bicarbonate properties that help neutralize the acid.

3. My Dad's favorite relief came from a tablespoon of bicarbonate of soda mixed in a glass of water. For him it seemed to work fairly well.

4. Apple Cider vinegar mixed in warm water will do the same rinsing as baking soda and might be easier for you to swallow.

5. There are herbs you can make into tea. The best way is to make a quart or so ahead and just keep it on hand for when you need it. Use ginger, oregano, basil, or a combination if you like, and be sure to let it steep for at least half an hour.

You can use these natural quick fixes for heartburn whenever it strikes. But, realize they are just temporary solutions to a serious problem.

A permanent and natural system to cure acid reflux is available. Heartburn No More will get to the root cause of Acid Reflux. You know you can't spend every day depending on some quick fix for your burning insides.

 Heartburn No More is  a natural/holistic method to cure (actually cure) your acid reflux, that really works.  There is no reason for you to live with heartburn and quick fixes for the rest of your life. It just isn't healthy.

You can also learn a way of combining foods in Great Taste No Pain that helps prevent the heartburn (not just a quick fix). Follow these plans together, or separately and you will be on your way.

With all this information you will be on your way to the good health you crave. Go to now. It worked for me. I know it will for you, too!

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